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About Our Infection Control Certificate Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Certificate courses developed for healthcare professionals with a bachelor’s degree to gain the knowledge they need to develop best practices for infection prevention and control. Springfield Health Care Academy (SHCA) offers a flexible, online study format, allowing students to fit their infection control course work into their busy schedules. Read More..
For nurses or anyone in a healthcare related field who want to learn more about Infection Prevention and Control to add to their resume of skills or to gage if this is a career path they would be interested in pursuing.
Develop infection control policies and procedures for dealing with internal infection and the influx of patients with communicable diseases.
SHCA helps students feel comfortable and knowledgeable when beginning their first course. All students are offered this short, self-directed course. We provide video tutorials and practice activities to help students learn several common tasks within the online classroom, such as posting to the discussion forum, uploading an assignment, and navigating important resources.